
Mission Statment for Our Company

This is Music>Sadness. We, the creators of this website have our goal as to create a platform where users can lift their mood based on a rating system on how they are feeling. If they are extremely sad(1) they will provide very happy songs to listen to, if the user is is not sad(5) they will provide happy/mellow songs. More information in the website.

Music's Impact on Mental Health

We tend to listen to music that reflects our mood. When we are happy, we may listen to upbeat music; when we are sad we may listen to slower, moving songs; when we are angry we may listen to darker music that reflect our level of anger. Music can be a powerful emotional tool. The emotions evoked by music don't just feel good,they're healthy for you, too. A meta-analysis of 400 music studies found that listening to music has the ability to reduce anxiety, fight depression and boost the immune system.

The Connection Between Music, Colors, and Mood

Our emotions match music to colors.our brains are able to make music-color connections depending on how the melodies make us feel.according to research done by the University of California, Berkeley.Using a 37-color palette,the study found that people tend to pair faster-paced music with lighter, more vivid, yellow colors, while slower-paced music is more likely to be teamed up with darker, grayer, bluer colors.